Customize Ninja Forms Email Notification template

If you are using the Ninja forms plugin and have set up an Email notification action following their guide, you can now use Elemailer to customize the email notification without writing any code with Elemailer.
Please follow the below steps to change Email notification template of Ninja Forms.

1. Make sure you have your form created with Ninja Forms plugin & you also have an Elemailer Form email template created for this purpose.

2. Now go to your form and setup an Email notification following this guide. You may choose to create multiple actions here as you see fit.

3. You should skip adding any information in the Email message field there as we are not going to use that rather use Elemailer email template that we have created before along with any dynamic Merge Tags from the ninja form inside that Elemailer email template.

4. Now select your desired Elemailer Email template inside this ninja form’s email notification and hit the Done button as shown in the below screenshot

And now your visitor/ you will start receiving the beautiful Email template instate of some text-only email in their emails as configured by you.

If you want to collect Leads from Ninja Forms inside Elemailer follow this guide.